Literature, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 23, 2016literature, philosophy Human Duties: Saramago's idea for a better world Literature, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 23, 2016literature, philosophy
Art, philosophy, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 20, 2016art, philosophy, literature, schooloflife Professionals from the Humanities matter, we just don’t know that Art, philosophy, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 20, 2016art, philosophy, literature, schooloflife
Reading Notes, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 23, 2016philosophy, bauman How to navigate Zygmunt Bauman’s liquid world Reading Notes, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 23, 2016philosophy, bauman
philosophy, Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 08, 2016philosophy, photography, susan sontag, sontag Susan Sontag explores the primitive and the modern in photography philosophy, Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 08, 2016philosophy, photography, susan sontag, sontag
Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 27, 2016art, philosophy, literature, deleuze, guattari Deleuze and Guattari: the subversive minor literature of Franz Kafka Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 27, 2016art, philosophy, literature, deleuze, guattari
Reading Notes, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 26, 2016art, philosophy, science Solitude, pacifism and religious feeling, as seen by Albert Einstein. Reading Notes, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 26, 2016art, philosophy, science
Reading Notes, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 11, 2016art, philosophy, plato, socrates Why to expell the poets? The art in Plato's Republic Reading Notes, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 11, 2016art, philosophy, plato, socrates
ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 27, 2016art, philosophy, goya Titan and monster, Lord and cannibal. The myth of Cronus as seen by Goya. ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 27, 2016art, philosophy, goya
Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 21, 2016barthes, literature, art, philosophy Modern literature and the death of the Author in Roland Barthes Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 21, 2016barthes, literature, art, philosophy
Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 18, 2016art, design, philosophy Being and Design: Anne-Marie Willis on the hermeneutics of our creations Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 18, 2016art, design, philosophy
philosophy, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 08, 2016art, critic, museum, rio de janeiro, philosophy I was face to face with the Abaporu and I barely looked at it philosophy, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 08, 2016art, critic, museum, rio de janeiro, philosophy
philosophy, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 04, 2016philosophy, science, art, museum On pigs and censorship, a declaration of intent philosophy, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 04, 2016philosophy, science, art, museum
Art, Literature, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaJuly 29, 2016art, critic, opinion, philosophy Bottles in the sea: online communication and the receiver with a thousand faces Art, Literature, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaJuly 29, 2016art, critic, opinion, philosophy