5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 22, 2017literature, ambrose bierce, devil's dictionary 5 quotes: The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce 5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 22, 2017literature, ambrose bierce, devil's dictionary
Literature, Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaFebruary 19, 2017adolfo bioy casares, preface, literature, fantastic How Bioy Casares redeemed himself 25 years after writing a harsh preface Literature, Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaFebruary 19, 2017adolfo bioy casares, preface, literature, fantastic
5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 26, 2017literature, blecher, max blecher, 5 quotes, quotes 5 quotes to make you read: Adventures in immediate irreality by Max Blecher 5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 26, 2017literature, blecher, max blecher, 5 quotes, quotes
LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 22, 2017woolf, virginia woolf, literature, death of the moth The death of the moth, Virginia Woolf LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 22, 2017woolf, virginia woolf, literature, death of the moth
LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 22, 2017virginia woolf, woolf, literature, death of the moth The colossal profundity inhabiting the insignificance, explored by Virginia Woolf LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 22, 2017virginia woolf, woolf, literature, death of the moth
5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 05, 2017bioy casares, bioy, invention of morel, literature 5 quotes to make you read: The invention of Morel by Bioy Casares 5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaJanuary 05, 2017bioy casares, bioy, invention of morel, literature
Literature, InterviewFelipe V. AlmeidaDecember 27, 2016literature, faulkner, william faulkner, interview A clumsy question and Faulkner’s powerful answer Literature, InterviewFelipe V. AlmeidaDecember 27, 2016literature, faulkner, william faulkner, interview
5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaDecember 23, 2016quotes, Notes from the underground, literature, dostoyevsky 5 quotes to make you read: Notes from the underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 5 quotesFelipe V. AlmeidaDecember 23, 2016quotes, Notes from the underground, literature, dostoyevsky
Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 24, 2016literature, poe When Edgar Allan Poe taught how to write “The Raven” Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 24, 2016literature, poe
Literature, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 23, 2016literature, philosophy Human Duties: Saramago's idea for a better world Literature, philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 23, 2016literature, philosophy
Interview, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 22, 2016interview, literature The interview as a tool for aspiring writers Interview, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 22, 2016interview, literature
Art, philosophy, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 20, 2016art, philosophy, literature, schooloflife Professionals from the Humanities matter, we just don’t know that Art, philosophy, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaNovember 20, 2016art, philosophy, literature, schooloflife
Literature, InterviewFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 29, 2016literature, borges, interview On being a great writer and how almost dying made Borges try short stories Literature, InterviewFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 29, 2016literature, borges, interview
Literature, InterviewFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 21, 2016lygia, literature, feminism, lygia fagundes telles Lygia Fagundes Telles on misogyny in literature and the objective of writing Literature, InterviewFelipe V. AlmeidaOctober 21, 2016lygia, literature, feminism, lygia fagundes telles
Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 27, 2016art, philosophy, literature, deleuze, guattari Deleuze and Guattari: the subversive minor literature of Franz Kafka Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 27, 2016art, philosophy, literature, deleuze, guattari
Art, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 02, 2016art, literature, matisse, joyce The book that's a work of art, made by Matisse, Joyce and Homer. Art, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaSeptember 02, 2016art, literature, matisse, joyce
Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 21, 2016barthes, literature, art, philosophy Modern literature and the death of the Author in Roland Barthes Reading Notes, LiteratureFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 21, 2016barthes, literature, art, philosophy
Reading Notes, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 10, 2016art, literature, history, joyce Renaissance and the birth of the modern man, according to James Joyce Reading Notes, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaAugust 10, 2016art, literature, history, joyce