Interview, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaFebruary 12, 2017nina simone, nina, art, music, singer, racism, violence, politics Nina Simone on racism, art and violence Interview, ArtFelipe V. AlmeidaFebruary 12, 2017nina simone, nina, art, music, singer, racism, violence, politics
Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaFebruary 08, 2017politics, vietnam, chomsky, war, critic Intellectual cooptation and justifying the savagery. The Vietnam War by Noam Chomsky Reading NotesFelipe V. AlmeidaFebruary 08, 2017politics, vietnam, chomsky, war, critic
philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaDecember 18, 2016impeachment, brazil, politics The ultimate objective of the polarization is the rupture. About our stolen country. philosophyFelipe V. AlmeidaDecember 18, 2016impeachment, brazil, politics